
Zinc Rice
Binadhan 20 NA
  1. Year of released: 2017
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 27.5
Zinc Rice
BRRI dhan100 ​BR8631-12-3-5-P2
  1. Year of released: 2021
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 25
Zinc Rice
BRRI dhan102 ​IR99285-1-1-1-P2
  1. Year of released: 2022
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 25.5
Zinc Rice
BRRI Dhan62 NA
  1. Year of released: 2013
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 20
Zinc Rice
BRRI Dhan64 NA
  1. Year of released: 2014
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 24
Zinc Rice
BRRI Dhan72 NA
  1. Year of released: 2015
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 23
Zinc Rice
BRRI Dhan74 NA
  1. Year of released: 2015
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 24.2
Zinc Rice
BRRI Dhan84 NA
  1. Year of released: 2017
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 27.6
Zinc Rice
BU Aromatic Dhan-2 NA
  1. Year of released: 2016
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 22
Zinc Rice
BU Aromatic Hybrid Dhan-1 NA
  1. Year of released: 2016
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 22
Bolivia-Plurinational State of
Zinc Rice
CIAT BIO-44 +Zinc NA
  1. Year of released: 2019
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 22
Zinc Rice
Fedearroz BIOZn 035 NA
  1. Year of released: 2021
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 26
El Salvador
Zinc Rice
CENTA A-Nutremas NA
  1. Year of released: 2019
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 22.8
Zinc Rice
DRR Dhan 49 NA
  1. Year of released: 2018
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 25.2
Zinc Rice
  1. Year of released: 2022
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 33.9
Zinc Rice
INPARA 12 ​BP3015b-6-0-0-0-MR-9
  1. Year of released: 2022
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 29.8
Zinc Rice
  1. Year of released: 2018
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 25
Zinc Rice
INTA Las Minas NA
  1. Year of released: 2020
  2. Micronutrient concentration ppm: 22
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